Down the Rabbit Hole

In today's class lecture, we got into someone named John Steinbeck, I guess a famous writer who wrote in the Great Depression and the beginning of WW2. We read his article and the teacher asked to click one link that was in the article and follow where it will lead you. Well one link I have clicked on is a woman named Rebecca Solnit and hers is Hope in Dark Times, I clicked on it because it gave me very different meanings of what I think about. One is what gives us hope when we are in a dark time. Two, having hints or a guidance. But as I looked more into it's really more of us writing our story, not on a paper with a pencil but just we express ourselves is how we tell our story and sometimes get haunted by the negative vibes we have in ourselves and haunted by the bad past we have been through. A quote from the article to end this piece today, "Hope doesn’t mean denying these realities. It means facing them and addressing them"


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