
Showing posts from September, 2019

My Dream Within A Dream

No video available But i do know the poem.

First Impression of a Dream

The poem, A Dream Within A Dream, feels like it is talking about something special that you want to hold on too but can not forever. Sometimes that one special thing can be just a dream.

My Essay Essay

Young Good Man Brown is really a story telling us how he goes through death. What I see is Brown laying in the hospital fighting or giving up in life. When the author says he goes for a walk it probably means, he is on his way to heaven or hell. Then when he reaches the forest, that is when it is time to make his decision. Now he probably does not or does know that which ever side he chooses may impact his soul but first tests. In the reading, Brown comes to an obstacle, something like a pop quiz although he is literally risking his life, a test to which the God or the Devil will take him. Now its sort of a battle between them, God and Devil, because either of them have so many souls. Anyways, Brown is one who takes through the process of death really and what's on the other side. This test can state whether Brown is a good person or not. So then the test brings in everything he has been through or had experienced or have been or is still going through. Which means its bringing u

My Thesis Statement

I would say the main point f an essay is the subject or thing your are defending or disagreeing too. You have you statement an then you have reasoning and then your big big tiger, your evidence,then you finalize it and then boom, you have an argument. I think an essay would be easier with a prompt because without one, you will just be lost, no one needs to be lost.

Read Talk Understand

Reading, looking at words that you start with Talking, choosing words that you will work with Understand, end with the same or different words you start with

Young Old Good Bad (answering questions for class Pt.3)

What I think Hawthorne wrote "Young Good Man Brown" story for many negativity to watch out and to be careful of. I think Stephen King was affected by the story just how scary it is to be choosing the wrong decisions for your life, and how he got affect when Brown lost faith and hope in everything and decided to make the wrong choice for his life. It gives out a message to be careful with your actions and words to someone to who may be going through something they are stuck on and with the power of our imaginations, they help us take us to a better world. To where we can be happy and peaceful. 

Young Good Man Brown (answering questions for class Pt.2)

Question 1:  Hawthorne's purpose for the Young Good Man Brown story is another saying, be careful for the decisions you make in life. Question 2: The aptly name, Faith, does not fit her personality because she would have hope in the situation her husband was in Question 3: The pink ribbon signifies cancer Question 4: The story is conjured by a dream/real Question 5:  I believe the old man is himself and his younger self seeing him now die Question 6: The staff can represent him leading to his death Question 7: If Brown wouldn't onward to the forest, he would live longer

My Literature Analysis

The novel I am reading is called, The Hobbit, though I have seen the movie, I like to have more details. The story plot of the novel I about saving a mountain that everyone worships and looks at it as a key to their lives. The theme of the novel is mythology.                What drew me to this book is when one day I came home annoyed and mad and furious and just pissed at the society, and then my mom saw how mad and stressed I was, and from there she asked, "you look like you are about to explode, you need escape." and then she handed me a book and said, "try it you never know what can happen." As I was reading the first few pages, I immediately got hooked on and couldn't lay my eyes for even a second, it was just so unexpected. From the day on and still today, the book had never left my side and I have never left its.   

The Medium is the Message

Today's subject, communication. Communication is like the key to some things in the world. Its a big part of the world I'll give you that, but how I would use communication, use it wisely, it makes the first impression of you, like for example a job or crushing on someone, when you text or speak to that one person, you don't want to accidentally say something or rude or dumb. That is why you proof read or just simply think about what your going to say or text.

So.....This guy goes for a walk

This is a first impression of story named Young Good Man Brown, have not finished the story but from what have I read so far, it will be a horror mystery like story. These stories are some i am not big fan of but i will try to give it try.

I Ain't got Time For This

I try my best to have time, get time, use time, pass time. I really do not know know i do it and usually I just go how it goes, with the flow, but when its time to get serious i shift my gears and go into something like lock down mode. I really become a well "working monster," but all i do is just figure out how to solve that situation and with time by my side or against me,it helps m keep going each day to having more time in my future.

Today I Was Thinking

Today's class was about the everyday life we do each day. I liked today's class because we got the schedule we would do every day for the year,it goes like this. Mindful Monday- using time and using lot of your mind by reading books and writing, Techie Tuesday- getting use our blogs and getting to know our blogs more, Cake Wednesday- working on what we will do after high school, Thoughtful Thursday- putting questions into everyday wonder, Freedom Friday- working on anything we didn't finish more in the beginning of the week and preparing fr the weekend to rest. This schedule is very very unique schedule, will definitely enjoy it.

I Care About Your Understanding

Today's post, is probably one of the those post where you don't know what write about or post about. This is for class assignment and to be honest, i still don't get it, but i will try to make and understanding why this is here. First, i think this is here to tell you that its okay if you do not have anything to think of to work on or to do anything. Second, it may take awhile to get your topic, so jut think and think and if there's still nothing, go somewhere, be active, or go outside, and once it hits, you will be good to go

The Making of an Essay

An Essay, GOSH where do i start with that. What is an Essay that comes to your mind? I would say 'stressful', why?, they are literally another version of the devil, i may be exaggerating but isn't true though, i mean they take up and lot of time, they keep us up all, they are mentally tired, they are physically tired, i remember one time where i had write an Essay for a class and i was in my room physically tired and my cousin said "you hand looks like its about to disconnection." What i have learned in class is definitely a tip i would try and a helpful guide i am probably missing in how i usually do essays. Question: how do you do Essays?

Everything Is A Remix

NOTES: to combine materials no expensive tools and skills    arrangement and transformation or samples Myths or Creativity Domain Knowledge  Copying people using other beings for their art Transformation journalists remix a lot objects use as well Copy, Transform and Combine Star Wars is one of the starts for remix The Lone Creator Ideas are Property Ideas Contain Other Ideas  Reoiant Charles V. Willie Anything can be copied

Thinking about what I want to think about (answering class questions)

I can't really say i have a big question because all i have are questions, there's really that ONE Big Question. It appeals to me that i question and find answers but if the question isn't worth finding the answer then i am not looking for it, but other i will if its worth it.

Getting to Know You

The Importance of well how the atmosphere is and how society is, I think I can tolerate it and jsut be patience but i know there is still hope in this world, people still care, people still see. There is peace, we just need keep focusing on what's the Important.

The Laughing Heart

Again no video but there is always a response. This poem may be the best i have read, it very wise with its words and very careful and well very simple too because not many know how to do the most simplest things in life but they are trying and because of that they earn special awards.

You are not Entitled to your Opinion

Part three of  Entitled of your Opinion, but the negative effect. Here are the reasons, that other person you are having a conversation with or argument or debate, that other person may not agree, they might take it offensive or just be confused.

Now I Remember

I may not did a video but I did work on memorizing and it was two lines that i remember from the poem, "We thought that he was everything to make us wish that we were in his place, went home and put a bullet through his head," i think these lines were huge impact because of just how someone that can be so perfect in every way can also be someone who's hurt in every way

Richard Cory

I did not do a video on this but i respond to this poem, its a poem that definitely has a big impact and has a big big plot twist, this poem is a poem that you can learn and use it to help your decisions in life.

A Second Helping of the Socratic Seminar

I don't really have much for a part but what i do have is,What is your life like on a daily bases, what is it like now, and would you change anything, remember your using the Socratic Seminar, don't forget it

A Socratic Seminar

First, what is that, what is Socratic Seminar, but i did some research and well is another thing in life we use everyday but we don't notice that we do, it was kind of another Twilight Zone, by the way those are kind of creepy, but it made a good lot sense.

The Right to Your Opinion

So i have already did one post about being entitled to your opinion and this post is about the positive side if it, here it goes, so your having a conversation or an argument with other human being and you know the negative side but the positive side is that you want that victory of knowing that you can be right and at least accomplish something that you have made it your goal in life. Just know if you keep working hard you may get that achievement.

This Book is Dangerous

When it comes to Dr. Suess, what do we think about, how he was an amazing author or was very intelligent for the very famous Cat in the Hat. My teacher had the class recently read a book by the very Dr. Suess, called Fox in a Sock, i don't have a video but i tried reading it as fast as i can and let me tell this book is very dangerous or cursed but it was the most difficult thing i have had to do in my life but it was also very enjoyable.

The First 50 Pages

One day in the summer I came home tired and very very exhausted and went to my bed and just plotted, my cousin noticed and he teased me saying that i'm getting old blah blah, i'm only older by one year, anyways, after he was done e sort of gave me an idea, he said "looks like you want escape", and that when it hit, i needed to leave, needed to find something that i can escape at worst times, so i went to the library at school, found nothing, so i tried searching online and nothing then my mother came in the picture and i sad i need something to help escape when i need to, my mom found a book for me online and she ordered it and the next day she told me to get the mail and so i walked to the mailbox and i found a package and when i went home, my mom right away said "yaay!,it came in" i smiled and well i agreed with her but didn't know what it was, then she said "that's your book" i said "what? really??, woooow" and i ran upstairs t

The Socratic Method

The Socratic Method is another way of killing your enemies within inside. Its a really unique method.

Training your Brain like a Memory Champion

This article was a very of helping in life.When someone is in trouble they could use the article to help them.