My Essay Essay

Young Good Man Brown is really a story telling us how he goes through death. What I see is Brown laying in the hospital fighting or giving up in life. When the author says he goes for a walk it probably means, he is on his way to heaven or hell. Then when he reaches the forest, that is when it is time to make his decision. Now he probably does not or does know that which ever side he chooses may impact his soul but first tests.

In the reading, Brown comes to an obstacle, something like a pop quiz although he is literally risking his life, a test to which the God or the Devil will take him. Now its sort of a battle between them, God and Devil, because either of them have so many souls. Anyways, Brown is one who takes through the process of death really and what's on the other side. This test can state whether Brown is a good person or not. So then the test brings in everything he has been through or had experienced or have been or is still going through. Which means its bringing up his past,present but not future, why because this is his future.

Brown is taking the test with the devil himself. He walks a little further into the forest, that he his running into so many things in his past and present. Now he is in big trouble but it doesn't really say though, anyways he his getting hit left and right and forward and backward with all the obstacles e had been through, for example his wife faith, faith is his wife in the novel and how she is described isn't all that pretty, she is really getting compared to the word faith, this is one of Brown's test and  you can tell he is stressing out, but the big test hasn't even hit him yet.

Young Brown had unfortunately not be able to pass the test. The devil suddenly has a staff and leaves the staff with Brown and has Brown sits on a log, he thinks, now he must make a decision that his whole life depends on, but unfortunately he does not make a wise decision after he has thought over everything. His wife dies in the novel but i think she just fades away as he disappears in dust. He finally decides to be with the Devil. In Conclusion, his decision was not very good, but if it was hit time to come, it is his time to come.


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