Gatsby 2/27-28/2020

Chapter 9
-Someone called Wilson a 'mad man'
-Wilson had to do something crazy in order to send out a message
-Called up Daisy about Gatsby's body
-Daisy didn't seem to care because she was with Tom
-Mostly everybody is shocked at Gatsby's death
-Mr. Wolfsheim raised Gatsby
-Gatsby funeral and nobody came
-No body responded to Gatsby death and funeral
(some more notes)
1)Gatsby is someone who is special

2)because Nick hangs out with dishonest people he is probably self lying himself to make him feel better so he does not go into being dishonest.

3)Tom and Daisy are hard core people and just goes on with life without care and sort of winging it.

4)Daisy is probably hurt by the many things she has been through during this book and had been too many times to the point to where she probably doesn't care.

5) The last quote in the book can mean going back and thinking all about the pst before the situation hat happened before to where someone special died and another died because of jealously.


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