Gatsby 2/19/2020

Chapter 6
-James Gatz
-Changed original name at age seventeen (I'm guessing he didn't like his original name)
-Jay Gatsby of West egg (kinda seems familiar)
-Platonic conception of himself (
-Son of God; he must be about his father's business (taking on the family heritage, aww cute:)
-An incident that made Dan Cody die (eesh)
-Cody inherited money, a legacy of 25 thousand dollars
-Gatsby and Tom meet
-When Cody died, Gatsby was there (probably that's way they heard rumors of Gatsby killing someone when it was just an incident)
-Gatsby invites Daisy and Tom to Gatsby's party
-Gatsby tried to impress Daisy (guess tom doesn't like it when his girl gives another attention, but pretty sure Gatsby is doing it to get her back)
-Tom gets called "a polo player"(some sort of insult)
-Daisy is not impressed by Gatsby's party
-Gatsby is heartbroken but is determined to get Daisy back
-Gatsby talking about the first time he kissed Daisy
-Gatsby can be all in the a mythology world because of his past


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